Saturday 22 December 2012

Top Gear

I have been looking for a video which explain a camping car, but I had not found nothing appropriate.
Instead of something serious I look for something more funny.
Top Gear is a comedy British TV show that speaks about cars. I found a part of a episode where Jeremy, Richard and James make their own "camping cars".

1st part:
2nd part:
3rd part:

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Bilbao's area

 BILBAO'S AREA the mountain Kobetas, there is a big area for 72 camping cars.
It's a little bit expensive (15€), but it's has got a very good and new equipment. In the price there are included the water changed, for taking water, electricity, security the 24 hours, toilets, showers... and it has got too very beautiful views.
If you're going to visit Bilbao, there is a bus stop in front of the doors and you arrive to the center in 10 minutes.

Sunday 16 December 2012

1st travel


This looong weekend I have been travelling in Asturias. Of course with my camping car. I think that's a great way for be visiting. All the parts are writen with my mobile phone at the date of the beginning of the paragraph (the same day that are done).

6/12/12: The first day I went to Llanes. It's not so far from Bilbao, more or less two hours. There I had a walk next to high and dangerous cliffs. I saw the Ibarrola cubes. They're the usual port cubes for defend from the waves, but painted. Ibarrola is the author and he had done the Oma forest too.
The day went finishing but I saw one more thing, a very special beach: the Gulpiyuri beach.  It's unusual because the water doesn't arrived at the sand directly. The beach is 100 metres from the sea so the water must past from holes in the rock. It's strange.
When the sun went down I went to Gijon, the place for the next day.

7/12/12: Like I said, I past all the day in Gijon. In the morning I visit a Romanian hot spring. At that age only the very-very rich people could have a bath in their houses. In this building there were lots of pools, warm or cold. There,  people of all the classes could enter in turns; from important people to slaves. They don't use only that place for cleaning, it was for pass free time too.
the afternoon, I visited an aquarium. There I saw a lot of animals: sharks, colourful fish, turtles, penguins, otter... I really like the visit and I specially recommend it.
The plan was good, but I didn't enjoy it at all, because the day passed raining hardly.

8/12/12: After I got up, I went to Villa Verones. It was a farm of a really rich person... in the Roman age. There, you only can find the ruins. The farm was very big and it was at the top of a hill. There were elegant bedrooms, kitchen, store, bathroom, an enormous meeting room... Apart of the ruins, there's a little museum with the items that they found. In general the place has got excellent installations and when I went, there weren't lots of people.
When the visit finish, I went to San Martin del Rey Aurelio. It's a town that it's further from the sea. There, I saw a museum about the mines. At the beginning there's a giant room with lots of enormous machines working. That machines are took from real mines. There are other two floors with more objects and explanations. There's to see very realist (false) mine where they explain you clearly more things. I enjoy it too much.
After passing the last night, I'm going to visit a last place and go back home.

9/12/12: The most part of this day I pasted travelling, but I saw a last thing. Next to Llames, a very little town, there are lots of blowholes. This is a hole near the coast, connected to the sea. With the energy of the waves the water go up. In depends of the force that has the sea that day the water can jump or make a strong noise. In my case it didn't jump.
After that I finish the travel.